Saturday, 3 March 2012

The Twelfth One :)

Well boys and girls...this here is called PROCRASTINATION! This happens when you KNOW you need top do something BUT you really DON'T feel like doing it right now....I am currently procrastinating from listening to hours of online lectures...which it seems it is all ready nearing week 3 and I am all ready behind...this is obviously of course because I work too much! Also hence the reason why a blog has not been posted in a seriously long apologies :)

You're probably thinking..."WTF is this chick on about right now" Well in answer to that I decided that to kill away the boring hours in the car I would take up that time on studying a bachelor degree in Criminology...I love surveillance BUT don't get me wrong, I don't want to spend a majority of my life sitting in a car. Hence the recent idea to study, further my education and also further career prospects! I'm hoping to obtain a good GPA and do a double degree along with law.

This idea mainly started when I worked with "the best of the best" here in Sydney and he advised me to kill stay focused and to use up free time on something like study...he is currently also studying a law degree and he's like 40 I goes to show you're never too old!

So work has been VERY busy seems that not only do I have my normal cases where I get lots of warning and time to finish them but for some reason I am getting hit with ALOT of "urgent" and "last minute" jobs...I'm beginning to think that the case managers in all the different firms out there procrastinate a SugarHoneyIcedTea load and just sitting around in their offices gasbagging with each other and then Friday comes and it's like well I don't very much feel like getting fired so I'll call *insert the company I work for's name here* and they can get onto it! So they do, and at like quarter to five on the last business day of the week I have my case managers calling a literally begging me to take it...seriously am I the only one that gets these phone calls? Or am I like the last resort cos they know that I'll do it?? So I take on the job...half the time NOTHING happens and I sit there thinking "You know if I was on my other job right now, I'd full be doing a vehicle follow" thing is I'm getting a lot of these last minute or urgent jobs which is pushing back cases that I would normally have finished by now! Sucks so bad. But I guess I shouldn't complain, work is work right and I'm still getting paid.

I did follow something interesting the other first ever transvestite! Was epic! And the whole time I was thinking...geeze you had a good surgeon or take the right drugs because man you really look like a dude now! I was seriously in awe! Which made me look at everyone and reconsider their apparent sex. Doing this killed lots of time on the train home. Hmmm haven't had too many interesting cases lately, they've all been pretty boring actually. EXCEPT for conducting surveillance on a crook coppa who goes to show that even the people we are meant to install all our faith and belief that they will protect us from the wrong things are doing all the wrong things themselves! Seriously they aren't better than the average white collar Joe. Was so please I got some great evidence on the person it was like "suck on this bitch" haha!

Well better go back to listening to my lectures! That's all for now boys and girls!


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