Tuesday, 3 January 2012

The Ninth One

Well today I don't know about you guys.... BUT I got pretty personal with the cows.

Oh and goats!

I was hell country today! Besides the hot car, no shade, and awkward vantage point it was pretty sweet hearing the buzzing of tiny bugs compared to honking horns and annoying nosey neighbours. The place I had to help out another investigator today was situated on some very large acreage. The current investigator was having not much luck with the job and needed some help. Being a rural job you can't sit in their street...it's way to obvious! If you feel like getting made on a rural job then yeh sure go park in their street....otherwise you need to determine the best likely route an individual would take if they departed their residence and take a vantage point in that area. With this case there were two possibilities. However this works best when you have vehicle makes/models and registrations...Like I said the current investigator wasn't having much luck.

So it's 0530am it's dark, slightly warm (not so great, this means a very warm day in the car) and the cows and animals are starting to make noises. So I decide, hey I grew up on a farm, I can see at least see three different vehicle in the distance...I'll ninja my way in and give it a crack.

Let me tell you that as I found an opening on one of the paddocks, and sprinted to each tree that provided a lot of cover, my heart was racing. I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest and I'd get caught for sure when I had to sprint at least 600 metres and expose myself until I could get to the closest tree that allowed me to zoom in on my camera to obtain all the details I needed. Once I reached the tree and got what I set out for I was pretty happy with myself, it's almost like you let your guard down and you suddenly realise...I have to run back now. I didn't even bother taking to the trees, I just ran what felt like the 2km back to the safety of my car.  I actually managed to say sorry to the cows when I ran past, if any one saw me, I'm sure they would have gotten a great laugh out of it. The other investigator was seriously laughing a lot at my expense. But what I did definitely paid off, I got to do two vehicle follows! All before 9am! So bonus!

I love getting all the action instead of just sitting there waiting. The people I followed turned out to be someone much younger and some one else not even the correct sex. But hey we now know that the person we need quite possibly drives the 3rd vehicle so we know what to look out for now.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years! My festive days were spent out working, and like I expected I got some great footage...ok serious question here...what's with bogans socialising out the front of their houses? It's like hey I'm not complaining cos it means I get great footage opportunities but it's a bit odd don't you think? We have back yards for a reason. But hey keep it up, cos filming you is quite a pleasure.

Oh! I finished that person off before Christmas, the one I previously mentioned was very surveillance aware and other people had been made before the even had a chance! And I full got great footage! Didn't get made at all! At first when this person left her house with what I'm assuming were her parents, she didn't seem to have a clue, and I gave her plenty of space as I followed her to all the different towns as she shopped for the countless Christmas presents. Was great! On the journey back, I managed to do a front follow and she remained 5 cars behind me all the way back to her house, I beat her home by only a few seconds and managed to park my car in the same vantage point before she drove into her street...then things got weird.

She drove over the top of me (i.e. came from behind me and over took) and then reverse parked her car in the same place it was before she departed, I was leaning so far back that I had to hold my camera up just to see...but then she drove off.

My stomach did a flip, and my head was telling me to "follow, follow, follow" but I didn't. I trusted my gut. And I'm glad I did because the next thing I know, she is driving back towards me. I crouched further down and didn't even want to risk looking up to see. I sneakily held up my camera, and watched as she again reverse parked in her usual spot. I think it was a ploy to see if I would follow her, so I'm glad I trusted my gut. Because she was again care free and carried countless boxes back into her residence! SO boo yah! Love life! Gotcha! haha!

Well, hope that this year brings you all great things! I'm off tomorrow to spend my day in a hallway! Wish me luck!



  1. You are going to get tired of your naming system for blog posts soon, I think.

    Good job though.

  2. Haha is that like a *hint hint nudge nudge, get better title names?* :)
